Leading Up to Giving Tuesday – In Joanna’s Words – Part 1

At the Massachusetts Debt Relief Foundation’s Inaugural Fall Dinner, MDRF client Joanna shared her story. In the days leading up to Giving Tuesday we are going to share pieces of what she shared, with her entire speech revealed on 12/1.

Joanna Edit

“I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to the Mass. Debt Relief Foundation for alleviating many years of stress and anxiety. For me when it came to dealing with money, in all aspects: earning it, spending it, trying to save it, and when and where to invest it, I did not have a clue. I was raised by my grandparents and unfortunately the only time we talked about money was on the first of the month when the bills were due. Every dollar aside from what we spent as a family with the family. Growing up there was nothing to discuss. 

I’ve worked since the age of eleven and my motto was I earned it I could buy what I want with it…worked pretty well for me. Again, no one was teaching ,me about money value. 

Then came two children…and…my motto quickly changed to I earned it but now I can ONLY buy what I NEED and what They WANT. 

Then I became a single mother and the bills kept growing and life became harder and so on.”

Stay tuned for Part 2 this Friday.

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