
Why Pro Bono Matters

At MDRF we work hard to ensure that every client is receiving the best possible representation, which includes filing the correct Chapter. ProPublica and The Atlantic published an eye-opening article about the practice in Memphis, of filing Chapter 13 bankruptcies when the client would have qualified for a Chapter 7, all to get paid. There are two main Chapters for…

Debt Collection – Know What Your Rights Are

Last night on the HBO show “Last Week Tonight,” host John Oliver forgave nearly $15 million in time-barred medical debt. He was able to do this after setting up a collection company and purchasing the debt for about $60,000. This debt portfolio and many more like it, is often called zombie debt, because it cannot be collected through legal action. Even though the debt obligation…

Giving Tuesday – Joanna’s Story

Giving Tuesday is here! To show the real impact of your donation, we’re sharing the full speech our client Joanna shared at our Fall Dinner. After reading through her full story, please consider donating $10 and tell others about why you donated on social media. We are working to ensure every Massachusetts resident can start over financially, regardless of their…

Sharing Joanna’s Story this Giving Tuesday

One week from today, after the leftovers and holiday shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we can all show our generosity by coming together in support of Giving Tuesday. For the first year MDRF will be participating, and we need your support!! Every dollar donated will make an impact in someone’s life right here in Massachusetts. Someone, just like…