
Student Loan Debt Crisis

Although a bankruptcy discharge can provide a much needed fresh start, there is one type of debt that nearly always survives, preventing the true ability to start over: student loan debt. Under the current law it can be extremely difficult to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy, and because the lenders usually fight tooth and nail to prevent the discharge, any…

Recover from the Unexpected – Get a Fresh Start

It is important to know that for families living on a limited income, what would be a small setback for some can be devastating to others. This past month’s record breaking snowstorms have hurt many wallets across the Commonwealth, whether from losing hours at work, or from finding yourself with a much higher than usual heating bill. A recent Boston Globe…

Why File Bankruptcy?

As a hardworking, decent and honest person, no doubt you want to be able to pay your bills as they become due. With the slow economy and difficult job market creating financial uncertainty in the workplace, many individuals and families find themselves having to be creative in stretching their dollars to go as far as they can. Sometimes, this is…