
Game Night – MDRF Fundraising Event!

Join us on August 3rd at Grill on the Hill, located in Worcester, from 6PM to 9PM. The night will consist of an assortment of games, a variety of food, and a DJ! All proceeds from the night will go directly to support our organization so that we can continue our efforts to help families across Massachusetts recover from debt…

Why Pro Bono Matters

At MDRF we work hard to ensure that every client is receiving the best possible representation, which includes filing the correct Chapter. ProPublica and The Atlantic published an eye-opening article about the practice in Memphis, of filing Chapter 13 bankruptcies when the client would have qualified for a Chapter 7, all to get paid. There are two main Chapters for…

Happy National Pro Bono Week!

October 25-31 is National Pro Bono week. All of us at the Mass. Debt Relief Foundation are proud to be a part of the pro bono community. In celebration of pro bono week, we’re going to begin recognizing the superheroes we are fortunate to help every day. In a series of bi-monthly blog posts we’ll share stories of clients who bravely…

How will bankruptcy impact my car loan?

If you have a loan on your vehicle, generally you will get to keep it, provided you continue to pay the lender just like you did before you filed bankruptcy. If you miss payments on your car, the lender can repossess your vehicle, but they usually need to obtain permission from the Bankruptcy Judge before doing this. Loans on cars…

The Immediate Relief of the Bankruptcy Stay

If you’re considering bankruptcy, it is very likely you have received correspondence and phone calls from creditors. Creditor calls and never-ending threatening letters in the mail make your debt always on your mind. A recent study reported by Global Citizen in the article “This is Your Brain on Poverty: 5 Facts,” shows how constantly being reminded, let alone harassed, of your…

Conversation About Debt

Dealing with insurmountable debt and making the decision to file bankruptcy can be a deeply personal and overwhelming experience. However you choose to address your debt, whether through consolidation, settlement or bankruptcy, the process is usually full of anxiety and eventually, great relief. And it’s an experience that individuals often hide from others. The perceived stigma that when you fall into…

Too Broke to File Bankruptcy

Filing bankruptcy can be a very daunting decision, but it is also a life-changing, positive tool that provides a true fresh start. After filing the collection agencies stop calling, there are no more court judgments or hearings to collect debts, wage garnishments must stop, and there is immediate relief from the constant stress and anxiety. For low income individuals, bankruptcy relief…

What do I have to provide to file bankruptcy?

Most of the tasks that you will have to do as a client are at the beginning of your case. The bankruptcy process is “frontloaded,” meaning that most, if not all of the information that will be asked of you, must be provided to your lawyer before your case is filed. When you file bankruptcy you are required to submit…