Recover from the Unexpected – Get a Fresh Start

It is important to know that for families living on a limited income, what would be a small setback for some can be devastating to others. This past month’s record breaking snowstorms have hurt many wallets across the Commonwealth, whether from losing hours at work, or from finding yourself with a much higher than usual heating bill. A recent Boston Globe article discussed in detail the impact our transportation issues have had on low-wage workers, who don’t get paid for time lost because of blizzards or MBTA closures and delays.[1] We understand the snowball effect and the overwhelming stress to catch up. When the bills become overwhelming and threaten your well-being, a bankruptcy discharge can provide a much needed fresh start, so you can begin to move forward and become financially stable.

This week MDRF was featured in Elizabeth Roman’s article on Mass Live, which can be read here. Ms. Roman’s article quoted our own Richard Ravosa, who explained our mission:to improve the quality of life for those unduly burdened with excessive debt, often due to catastrophic injuries, illness, job loss, or loss of financial support from divorce or death, by providing compassionate and effective pro bono legal representation to eliminate debt and restore peace of mind.”[2]

We have offices throughout Massachusetts and have staff who speak Spanish and Portuguese. Please keep our organization in mind if you learn of anyone who can benefit from our help. Let them know there is help, and the first step is reaching out. 



[1] Johnston, Katie. “Lacking transport, low-wage workers take a hit” Boston Globe February 12, 2015; Accessed online February 19, 2015.

[2] Roman, Elizabeth. “Debt Relief Foundation assists people facing bankruptcy; offers services in Spanish, Portuguese” Mass Live February 16, 2015; Access online February 19, 2015.

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