Happy National Pro Bono Week!

October 25-31 is National Pro Bono week. All of us at the Mass. Debt Relief Foundation are proud to be a part of the pro bono community. In celebration of pro bono week, we’re going to begin recognizing the superheroes we are fortunate to help every day. In a series of bi-monthly blog posts we’ll share stories of clients who bravely commit to doing everything they can to move past their hardship and start over.

The individuals we help truly struggle each day with basic expenses. Without starting over debt free, they continue to fall more and more behind. With our help, our clients can start over and begin to rebuild.

These heroes include a husband and wife with four children, who have been brought back to court over and over again for payment review hearings on an old rent judgment, requiring them to take valuable time off from work. Or a young veteran who after serving several tours in Afghanistan struggled with PTSD and depression, who is now working and getting the help he needs. Many are disabled or have suffered devastating, unexpected medical expenses. Some have been victims of domestic violence, have lost their home to foreclosure, or have been living without heat or electricity after the utility company shut them off. All of them were strong enough to take control of their future and work hard so that they can start over.

For now there are always more out there in need of help. But together we can change it so everyone has equal access to a fresh financial start. We at MDRF are working to make sure that every person in need of a fresh start can have the same opportunities. When basic expenses are unaffordable, paying a lawyer is absolutely impossible. Please consider helping us to make sure that every person in Massachusetts truly in need of pro bono help in discharging debt can access it. Visit our website to find out how you can help.

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