Happy National Pro Bono Week!

October 25-31 is National Pro Bono week. All of us at the Mass. Debt Relief Foundation are proud to be a part of the pro bono community. In celebration of pro bono week, we’re going to begin recognizing the superheroes we are fortunate to help every day. In a series of bi-monthly blog posts we’ll share stories of clients who bravely…

Bankruptcy and Your Credit Report

Yesterday the New York Times reported that Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase have agreed to fix credit reports so debts discharged in bankruptcy are accurately reported as included in bankruptcy. The article states that “this move is a victory for borrowers whose credit reports have been marred as a result of the reported debts, imperiling their job prospects and torpedoing…

Too Broke to File Bankruptcy

Filing bankruptcy can be a very daunting decision, but it is also a life-changing, positive tool that provides a true fresh start. After filing the collection agencies stop calling, there are no more court judgments or hearings to collect debts, wage garnishments must stop, and there is immediate relief from the constant stress and anxiety. For low income individuals, bankruptcy relief…

Recover from the Unexpected – Get a Fresh Start

It is important to know that for families living on a limited income, what would be a small setback for some can be devastating to others. This past month’s record breaking snowstorms have hurt many wallets across the Commonwealth, whether from losing hours at work, or from finding yourself with a much higher than usual heating bill. A recent Boston Globe…