Moving Beyond Debt

If you have bills that are a struggle to keep up with, or credit cards that never seem to decrease despite consistent payments, it may be time to make some changes to address your debt. This blog details some steps you can take to start assessing your financial condition and how to approach achieving your goals. Assessing Your Finances            …

How to Defend a Collection Lawsuit

The bills keep coming in, the phone won’t stop ringing, and now a letter arrives with a court date. You’re being sued. The first instinct may be to ignore it, but this is the worst thing you can do! If you have been sued by a creditor for money, the most important thing to do is respond to the lawsuit…

MDRF Client Story – In Their Own Words

I found myself in court being sued by a credit card company for the 3rd time! This time the amount I was being sued for was well over $10K and they were threatening to garnish my wages!… I felt like my life was spiraling out of control. I was barely getting by working a full-time job trying to provide for…

Debt Collectors

Have you ever received a letter from a company you’ve never heard of, demanding payment for an old medical or utility bill? Or a scary letter listing a debt owed to a company you’ve never heard of like Midland Funding, LLC or Portfolio Recovery Associates? When you are unable to maintain payments on a bill, it often gets sold to…