How to Defend a Collection Lawsuit

If you have been sued by a creditor for money, the most important thing to do is respond to the lawsuit. Never ignore a lawsuit or complaint because if you do, you will automatically lose! The next thing to do is to contact a lawyer to get a free consultation and see what your rights are. Many times, the creditor…

The Immediate Relief of the Bankruptcy Stay

If you’re considering bankruptcy, it is very likely you have received correspondence and phone calls from creditors. Creditor calls and never-ending threatening letters in the mail make your debt always on your mind. A recent study reported by Global Citizen in the article “This is Your Brain on Poverty: 5 Facts,” shows how constantly being reminded, let alone harassed, of your…

Bankruptcy and Your Credit Report

Yesterday the New York Times reported that Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase have agreed to fix credit reports so debts discharged in bankruptcy are accurately reported as included in bankruptcy. The article states that “this move is a victory for borrowers whose credit reports have been marred as a result of the reported debts, imperiling their job prospects and torpedoing…