How We Help

We provide a permanent solution to solving our clients’ financial problems, and not merely a band aid. We work to ensure that each one of our clients is on the right path to financial stability, so everyone served may obtain the relief from living with the constant stress of debt.

With our team of specialists, we provide one-on-one in depth analysis of our clients’ income, assets, debt, as well as short-term and long-term goals to advise the best route to financial stability.

If appropriate, we then provide complete legal representation to accomplish the client’s financial goals. This representation may involve communicating with a creditor on the client’s behalf, assisting them with different student loan repayment options, or representing the client in chapter 7 bankruptcy to discharge debt.

Then, based on the client’s individual needs, we equip them with the tools to take advantage of their fresh financial start, including developing a budget and rebuilding credit.

MDRF’s clients are Massachusetts residents who do not own real estate whose income is at or below 150% of the HHS poverty Guidelines. We also have expanded our guidelines in 2015 to accept Veterans and Servicemembers at or below up to 200% of the HHS Poverty Guidelines.

Our approach to assisting families with obtaining debt relief information and legal assistance is novel because we are the first and only non-profit legal service organization in the state to offer such a level of expertise assistance and direct representation related to debt relief. The debt-buying market has exploded in recent years. [Dalie Jimenez, “Dirty Debts Sold Dirt Cheap,” 52 Harv. J. on Legis., 41 (2015). Half of those who struggle for years before obtaining relief through bankruptcy reported that they were being sued by a debt collector prior to filing. [Pamela Foohey, Robert Lawless and Katherine Porter, “Life in the Sweatbox,” 94 Notre Dame Law Review (2018).] We have seen with our clients more and more small claims actions, and have heard first-hand the effect of constant threatening phone calls. Often by the time clients reach our Organization they have struggled for years, believing there was no way out.

When appropriate, a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge allows families to truly move on from living in debt. A bankruptcy filing immediately stops collection lawsuits and wage garnishments, and provides an immediate sense of relief. The endless threatening phone calls and bills stop coming, and families can learn how to live within a budget and rebuild credit to meet their financial goals.

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