How To Get Your Stimulus Payment

Under the CARES Act, many Americans will be receiving a stimulus payment very soon. The IRS started distributing the money last week. Who will get the check, and how much will you get?

  • US Citizens and Residents with a social security number, who earned less than $75,000 in 2018 and 2019, and head of househoolds who earned less thank $112,500 will receive $1,200. This means non-U.S. residents who filed taxes with a tax id, but without a social security number will not receive a payment.
  • Joint filers who receive up to $150,000 will get $2,400.
  • Payments are then reduced incrementally for higher earners, with no payments for single filers earning over $99,000, head of household’s earning more than $136,500, and joint filers earning more than $198,000.
  • Parents with income below the cap will also receive $500 for each child under 17.
  • This online calculator will tell you how much you could receive.

You do not need to have earned taxable income to qualify for the check. 

  • Individuals who receive social security income will receive a payment. The IRS has said they will use data from Social Security to obtain the person’s banking information for the direct deposit.
  • For others who earned less than what is required to file taxes, receive SSDIS, or have not filed taxes for whatever reason but qualify for a stimulus check, you will receive the payment as well, but maybe not when the rest of the Country does.
  • In order to receive the payment soon, the IRS has set up a website where you can provide your bank account information.
  • Go to this website to provide the IRS with your payment information so you can receive the payment soon. 

What about taxpayers who have filed their 2018 and 2019 returns but did not provide the IRS with their bank account information because they did not receive a refund? 

  • Taxpayers who owed taxes will still receive the stimulus payment. The IRS has said it can take several months to mail out paper checks to those without bank account information.
  • You can get your payment quicker if you provide the government with your direct deposit information.
  • The IRS is setting up a website to provide this information for those who have filed already, and estimates it will be up and running by mid-April. Keep checking this website to add your details once it’s up.

Paper Checks 

  • For everyone else, the IRS will begin to mail out paper checks beginning in early May, starting with the lowest income households.
  • This could take up to 20 weeks to mail out to everyone, so if you can, make sure to use the above IRS websites to provide bank account information for the direct deposit option. 

Watch Out for Scams 

Sadly, there are many out there looking to take advantage of families. The IRS or your bank will never contact you directly for your bank account information.

  • Do not trust anyone who calls you that says they are from the IRS or your bank.
  • Don’t trust any emails or text messages claiming to be from the IRS. And do not click on any links!
  • Do not trust any solicitations from others who claim they can help you set up your direct deposit with the IRS. You can do this yourself through the secure IRS website, or wait for the paper check.
  • Be careful of any mail or checks claiming to be from the IRS, but requiring verification such as a phone call in order to cash it. You will not need to call anyone to cash the check.
  • Be wary of any phone calls you receive regarding the stimulus check, or anything else related to the CARES Act.


In Massachusetts the stimulus payment is fully protected from creditors. If you have questions about handling debt during these uncertain times, please feel free to reach out to us for advice or help.